Data Driven Batch and Furnace Part 1
Most glass properties can be traced back to composition. If there is variation in the weighments of raw materials and deviation from the recipe, is it causing other problems? With the automation of the batch weighing alarming has been set to alert the operator of misweighments. How are these alarms set? Are they based on scale capability, operator opinion or science?
Obsidian: The first use of glass
Crown Seal Issues
The absence of nitrogen in the fuel oxidant resulted in an internal furnace atmosphere that had a 5x concentration of corrosive materials. The first oxy furnaces had crown issues.
How to Fill a Tank
Filling furnace’s with cullet is a vestigial process, an artifact from the past. Back in the day furnaces were filled cold with cullet and then heated-up.
Electricity in Glass
In the later part of the 19th century the world was about to change dramatically. Had things gone differently with electric power, glass industry might not be what it is today.
Why I do what I do
Why do I do this? To start, my love of glass goes back to my youth.